M 269
Primary use:
Polar patterns:
Common name: Neumann M 269
Production Status: Discontinued / Vintage
Related Mics:
Neumann U 67The M 269 is a large diaphragm microphone manufactured by Georg Neumann GmbH from 1962 to 1973. It is a broadcast version of the U 67 equipped with the Telefunken AC 701 k tube in place of the EF 86. This microphone uses the same PSU and cables of all the Neumann 2xx microphones (M 249 – M 250 – KM 254 and so on) but U 67 PSU and cables are not compatible. The pattern switch features the center cardioid position as in the U 67, while in the other the patterns ae remotely adjustable. When a fixed cardioid pattern is required the switch must be set at the center as this will provide a better signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 4dB. Polar patterns responses are the same as with the U 67 because there are no capsule or head grille differences however the frequency responses are different and the microphone has a different sound due to the different vacuum tube used. The circuit design is basically the same as is the Bv.12 output transformer.