BLM 03 C
Common name: Schoeps BLM 03 C
Production Status: In production
The BLM 03 C is a miniaturised version of the BLM 3 boundary-layer microphone. It connects to a Colette series CMC amplifier to form a complete microphone. The BLM 03 C is ideal for all those scenarios where the BLM 03 would be too large or too heavy as in Television or Film applications. It is also well suited for use on speaker tables or altars. Its small size and the non reflective Nextel paint makes it particularly unobtrusive. The BLM 03 C needs to be placed on a sufficiently sized reflective surface, even more so when recording music rather than speech where a round table would be enough. Since the BLM 03 C contains active electronics, it is not compatible with other active accessories such as the RC or KC.